Stop Stuttering Treatments

For decades scientists have been searching for a stop stuttering cure, but the facts still remail that everyone responds differently to stuttering treatments. I have detailed some treatments that are available to you, they have all been successful in the past and they help you stop stuttering

Some Treatments For Stuttering

At this point, there is no known cure for stuttering, but there are a variety of treatments available. The type of treatment you choose will depend partly on what sorts of things you are comfortable with. Fortunately, there are a number of options, so if you are serious about wanting to stop stuttering, you should be able to find a method that works for you.

One possible way in which people can be helped to stop stuttering is through the use of drugs. Although the Food and Drug Administration has not approved any drugs specifically to treat stuttering, there are a few that might be helpful. Drugs used to treat anxiety; depression and epilepsy have been tried on stutterers with mixed results, at best. Bear in mind that all drugs have side effects as well. Research into medical treatments for stuttering is ongoing.

Many stutterers choose to undergo therapy. Therapists focus on the regulations of breathing, speaking more slowly, and keeping responses simple, gradually building up to longer and more complex sentences. It is felt that those who wish to stop stuttering need to become less anxious about the problem before they can solve it.

Stutterers might also consider joining a self-help group. They may find it useful to interact with others who have the same problem, as well as get tips from them on things they have tried in order to stop stuttering.

Electronic devices are another possible way to deal with stuttering. One type fits in the ear like a hearing aid and plays back the speaker's voice, so it sounds like he is speaking in unison with someone else. This seems to help some stop stuttering, although more research needs to be done to determine widespread effectiveness.

As you can see, there are a variety of treatments available for stutterers. You may wish to try more than one, but you will find something that works for you eventually.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

Speak Easy Stop Stuttering

Speak Easy was created in order to support stop stuttering information you will find countless bit's of information , facts, and theories within our articles. We speak and write from the heart with past experience and present knowledge.

Please feel free to contact us via the "contact" button in the kontactr button below.

Yours's Faithfully

Are Adults Able to Stop Stuttering?

Reaching adulthood and still stuttering is something that 1% of us still suffer from. Like most speech disorders it's a lot harder co correct when your older but is it possible to stop stuttering as an adult?

Are Adults Able to Stop Stuttering?

Adults who develop stuttering or stammering at an early age but weren't able to get the necessary therapy to properly treat their condition are the ones who often face the challenge of learning to accept their stammering without any feelings of insecurity or inferiority. While it greatly relieves an adult's emotions when one accepts his or her stuttering condition, there is no harm in searching for a possible cure.

Adults who develop stuttering or stammering at an early age but weren't able to get the necessary therapy to properly treat their condition are the ones who often face the challenge of learning to accept their stammering without any feelings of insecurity or inferiority.

While it greatly relieves an adult's emotions when one accepts his or her stuttering condition, there is no harm in searching for a possible cure. However, there has been no reported one cure that works for all persons. This is because any two individuals who stutter may have the same outward manifestations, but the factors that trigger the stuttering and the response to it (physical and emotional) can be very different.

You may be able to find a cure that will work for your case and be able to stop your stuttering, but usually, the "cure" consists of techniques which are very helpful but require ongoing practice for you to maintain your "cured state". This is different from actually being completely healed.

Still, it does no harm in trying to get speech therapy again (especially now that there have been great changes in technology and in the techniques used for adults who stutter). Look as well on what other reliable sources would have to offer, as there is always a strong probability that something can be gained from trying anything, and even everything.

But make your choice an informed one. And have the perspective that while you're in search of a cure, you are able to accept your stuttering and are taking the appropriate steps in managing it well.

There are more resources for stuttering tips included on this Squidoo page. One of the programs is less than a year old and has some rather interesting methods that show you how to stop stuttering in 9 minutes.

How to Break the Stuttering Habit

Have you been going through life stuttering? Are you one of the many of the population who thinks that you can't stop stuttering... Well yuo can stop a stutter. e all have different triggers to a stutter understand what set's you off and in most cases you are on the way to stopping a stutter for good.

How to Break the Stuttering Habit

One thing the scientific community has never been able to agree on is whether or not stuttering is a habit. One thing that is fairly clear though, is that some of the secondary symptoms of stuttering, such as fear, panic and depression are habitual.

One thing the scientific community has never been able to agree on is whether or not stuttering is a habit. One thing that is fairly clear though, is that some of the secondary symptoms of stuttering, such as fear, panic and depression are habitual. Stutterers tend to develop these habits in response to their stutter. If you can stop stuttering, you might be able to break these habits as well.

Those who believe that stuttering itself is a habit point out that stutters do the same things over and over again- they tend to struggle over and over again with the same words and sounds. There are a few techniques to help people stop stuttering that are based on the assumption that stuttering is a habit.

One of these techniques is the Simplified Habit Reversal (SHR) technique. It operates on the premise that stuttering is the result of defective breathing, and that you can learn to stop stuttering simply by altering your breathing habits.

A more widely know habit-changing method is the Alexander Technique. Frederick Alexander was a drama reciter, who suddenly lost his voice for no apparent reason. After numerous doctors failed to find a medical explanation, Alexander developed a technique that helped him heal himself by altering what he considered to be his body's defects. His theory was that most people lived in an unhealthy way, creating all kinds of physical problems, including those with speech and vocal ability. By working to change those habits, he could ultimately correct these defects.

While the Alexander technique has been shown to stop stuttering, it can be very difficult to follow. It requires a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to identify exactly where issues arise before they can be corrected.

Even though it is difficult to determine whether or not stuttering is truly a habit, this school of thought provides a few more treatment options for those who wish to stop stuttering.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a Hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...My family has been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a Squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

2 Important Things You Must Consider to stop stuttering

We are all different and stuttering can be cured Too many give up on a stop stuttering solution far too early. I have seen family and friends in stop stuttering support groups completely close themselves off to the outside world. Please don allow your stuttering problems to manafest themselves in such a way that you become a recluse!

Stop Stuttering Therapies - 2 Important Things You Need to Consider

There are at present, many different therapies in existence on how to stop stuttering, and for one who is serious and eagerly searching for a cure, or a way to best manage it - the process is mostly confusing and stressful. For one thing, you're bombarded with a ton load of information on advertisements on both products and services that make claims that can stop stuttering. This information overload might cause you to come into a "stalemate" and not try anything at all.

For one thing, you're bombarded with a ton load of information on advertisements on both products and services that make claims that can stop stuttering. This information overload might cause you to come into a "stalemate" and not try anything at all.

So here's two very important things you should pay attention to when it comes to therapies on how to stop a stutter.

1. Stuttering is a disability that cannot be cured overnight. - If you have been dealing with your stuttering (or stammering) condition for many years already, don't expect it to disappear in just a few days after therapy. It usually takes a couple of weeks and up to several months for your stuttering to be effectively controlled. Therefore, you are to keep a keen eye on those who claim to have an instant or "magical" cure for stuttering and research it with extreme caution.

2. Stuttering is in reality not just a speech disorder, but it is also a communication and behavioral disorder. - There are many therapies that aim to correct and improve your speech, but overlook the fact that there other angles that need to be considered and dealt with as well. How you communicate with others is one big thing, and the other is the feelings and emotions that you had to deal with while handling your stuttering (such as fear, guilt, shame, etc.) - the behavioral aspect. These 3 things have to be addressed and managed as a whole. So look for therapies that have and carry this holistic approach.

Remember to do careful research, always make an informed decision, and then take action.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens...My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. Here is a Squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

We Can't Stop His Stuttering

Children far more than adults stutter ut most, will and do out grow stuttering within 3 to 5 years however if you are concerned about your child stuttering... It's n about 5% of children , but only apparent 1% of adult the population.

Can My Child Succeed at School Although We Can't Stop His Stuttering?

Without hesitation, the answer to that question is a resounding "yes". Your child can succeed at school even though he or she has a stuttering (or stammering) disability. There are however, important responsibilities you need to consider and do as a parent, to ensure your child's success.

One of that is making sure that the school your child is enrolled in, knows about your child's stuttering. And that the teachers are aware about this as well. It is critical to do this in advance, because you want to ensure that your child is accepted and supported, instead of being endlessly told in class to stop stuttering.

Your child's classmates might also look down on him and tease him endlessly, which may give way to strong and prolonged feelings of insecurity. He may also develop an inferiority complex, which if not dealt with, can carry on with the rest of his life. This can be prevented in the first place, if there is mutual cooperation between the parents and the school on children with not just stuttering, but any form of disability.

Another thing is to know the policies of your school with regards again to your child's condition. Finding a good school that has a wide range of services to support your child is an extra plus. Most teachers and class instructors will be generous and flexible enough to make adjustments on how they treat your child.

This can be either in the form of adding extra minutes in tests given or allowing an assistant to help your child speak, while at the same time helping the teacher and the whole class interpret what he is trying to say.

Other teachers who are well aware of stuttering disabilities in children can allow your son to take written (instead of oral) exams. This of course, is dependent on the situation and level of stuttering of your child. Some schools also have disability counselors which are able to guide your child through the process of accepting himself, and believing in himself and his capabilities to make a difference with his life.

On the side, there is a lot of new help for how to stop stuttering for your child. But while he is in school, make sure that his learning environment there is adaptive to his condition.

Stopping a stutter has become one of our family's tasks as unfortunately it is hereditary in about 50% of cases I wrote about my own personal experiences regards how to stop stuttering a little while ago.

The Causes of Stuttering

The Causes of Stuttering Are?

Stuttering affects about one percent of the population at any given time. In order to learn how to stop stuttering, it is first important to understand some of the causes of stuttering. Once you have determined why you are stuttering, you can then begin to figure out what sort of treatment will best help you stop. There are three widely held theories as to the causes of stuttering

One theory holds that the basis of a stuttering problem is rooted in psychology. You can only learn how to stop stuttering once you have addressed underlying psychological issues that contribute to the problem. A psychotherapist will help you understand and deal with these issues, leading to improvements in your speech.

A second theory says that stuttering is a learned behavior, which small children normally engage in as they are learning to speak. If a child is punished or criticized for this, she may develop anxiety surrounding speech, and may not be able to stop stuttering, once she has started.

Yet another school of thought proposes that stuttering is organic, and that some people's brains are simply wired a bit differently. Although proponents of this theory generally allow that stuttering can also be caused by a situation, or emotional factors, they believe that the biggest difference between those who stutter and those who do not is neurological. Psychological reasons probably have nothing to do with it- aside from their stutter, stutterers are completely normal.

Recent studies have shown that there may also be a genetic component to stuttering. Research done on twins and multiple generations in families seem to indicate that stuttering may run in families. While most children with this problem, do stop stuttering at some point, a small percentage continue into adulthood, and are more likely do to so if their relatives did as well.

Learning the causes of stuttering is an important first step in determining how you will eventually go about treating it.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Using Technology in Stuttering Treatments

Using Technology in Stuttering Treatments

As technology becomes widespread and more and more advanced, it only stands to reason that there would be a number of technological devices that are meant to help you stop stuttering. Some of these are well-established and are used by speech therapists, while others are newer, with research still being done to determine their effectiveness.

One of the most popular and well-established anti-stuttering devices is the Delayed Auditory Feedback device. This looks like a hearing aid, and is worn in the ear. It plays back what the speaker is saying simultaneously, and can stop stuttering very effectively when used in conjunction with therapy. A popular example of this device is SpeechEasy.

Another class of device that can help you stop stuttering is the computerized feedback device. This type of device works by using a microphone to gather information about a stutterer's speech. Intensity, voice quality and breathing patterns are measured and the results are shown on a computer screen. A therapist can then identify areas that need work. At this point, there are no peer-reviewed studies to show how effective these devices are.

White noise masking is yet another technique to help stop stuttering. Its effectiveness has been well-documented, but it has become less popular in recent years as delayed auditory feedback became widespread.

There are also devices that provide Frequency-Altered Feedback. This works by changing the pitch at which a user hears his voice. Varying pitches by quarter, half or full octaves have been shown to decrease stuttering by 55-75%. Unfortunately, it does not appear to stop stuttering altogether.

While some of the above devices are very widely used, there is still considerable disagreement in the scientific and scholarly communities as to their true effectiveness. When considering one, it's best to consult with a good speech therapist to see which ones, if any, they recommend.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Support For Those Who Stutter

Support For Those Who Stutter

Since only 1 percent of the adult population stutters, you may often feel very alone with this problem. Fortunately, you will find that there are actually a large number of support groups and resources available to stutterers. Not only do these organizations help link you up with others in the same predicament, they can point you toward resources that can help you stop stuttering.

A quick search online or in the phone book will show you the stuttering support groups available in your area. There are some large organizations, like the National Stuttering Association (NSA) that offer a lot of information and support groups in many communities. Groups like NSA focus on support groups, which put you in touch with other stutterers and can direct you toward therapists that can help you stop stuttering.

If you are already in therapy, you may wonder if a self-help group isn't a bit redundant. In fact, support groups can enhance therapy, and many therapists encourage participation. You will stop stuttering that much faster if you get the opportunity to practice the things you learned in therapy in a supportive environment.

In addition, participating in a group can help you realize that a lot of the challenges that come with stuttering are not unique to you. You will meet others who deal with the same embarrassment and anxiety on a daily basis, and have learned to cope with it. Some of them may already have learned how to stop stuttering.

Groups like NSA also provide therapist-referral services and can help you find other stutterers in your community who have already benefitted from therapy. Talking to them will give you a chance to see if a therapist is the right one to help you stop stuttering.

Using the resources available to you can save you time and money. Meeting others with the same problem and finding a good therapist will quickly put you on the road to clearer speech.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Natural Therapy

Natural Therapy For Stuttering Problems

While there are a variety of conventional methods for dealing with stuttering, you may wish to pursue some alternative therapies. You will find that there are a fair number of products and techniques available that take a natural approach to help you stop stuttering.

While there are a variety of conventional methods for dealing with stuttering, you may wish to pursue some alternative therapies. You will find that there are a fair number of products and techniques available that take a natural approach to help you stop stuttering.

One natural method for dealing with stuttering is Galvanic Skin Response (GSR). This is a method of measuring electrical resistance of the skin, a technology used in lie detector tests. It is believed this can help stop this behavior by helping you identify situations and actions that trigger the stuttering mechanism. Do-it-yourself GSR kits can be purchased online.

Some popular herbal remedies that may make it easier for you to stop stuttering are coriander, palm candy, and gotu kola. These can be used separately, although they are found to be most effective when used together. A few coriander seeds, a quarter teaspoon of palm candy, and 3-4 dried gotu kola leaves can be taken 3-4 times daily.

Irregular breathing and oxygen deficiency are one of the main causes of stuttering. Yoga is a great way to help you regulate your breathing. Yoga postures like Suksham Vyayama, Surya Namaskar, and Simhasana and breathing exercises, such as Bhastrika, Nadi Shodhana, and Pranayama all seem to be effective in helping stop stuttering.

There are also a number of homeopathic remedies available to help you stop stuttering. These tend to be quite unique however, so it's best to consult with a homeopathic doctor to be sure you choose the correct one.

Hypnotherapy is yet another alternative method that may help you stop stuttering. It can help you reduce the influence of the triggers that cause stuttering by teaching you how to replace negative triggers with positive ones.

If you have found that conventional methods don't cure your stutter, you may find it helpful to look into some of the above methods. Many stutterers have found success with them!

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a Squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

Important Facts About Stuttering


Important Facts About Stuttering

Stuttering is a problem that is found in about one percent of the adult population. It is a communication disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by the repetition of certain sounds, typically consonants. If you or someone you know has this problem, here are some important facts you should know as you go about looking for a way to stop stuttering.

Stuttering is a problem that is found in about one percent of the adult population. It is a communication disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by the repetition of certain sounds, typically consonants.

The reasons for stuttering seem to fall into four basic categories. It is increasingly thought that there is a large genetic component to stuttering. Nearly everyone who stutters has a family member who also does. Many young children stop stuttering after only a short time of doing so.

It is also widely believed that the way parents and other adults respond to children first learning to speak can affect how much they stutter. There can also be psychological reasons for stuttering. Some sufferers may have undergone past trauma which affected the development of their speech. Many scientists also believe that stutterers process language in a different part of the brain than those who speak normally.

Keep in mind that more than one factor can be at work among those who stutter. Also remember that the reason a person stutters may be different from the reason he is unable to stop stuttering. Interestingly, about four times as many men stutter than women. It is not yet known why this is the case, but scientists are investigating the genetic component to find out if this could be a hereditary problem.

About 20 percent of all children stutter at some point in their development, but most stop stuttering at an early age, leaving only the 1 percent that continues into adulthood. Identifying the problem early and pursuing treatment usually seems to be the best course of action. Knowing some basic facts about stuttering is an important first step on the road to finding an effective way to learn to stop stuttering.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Hypnotherapy to Treat Stuttering

Using Hypnotherapy to Treat Stuttering

If you have followed some traditional methods to stop stuttering and have found them unsuccessful, it may be time to look at some alternative forms of treatment. One of these is hypnotherapy. It is a form of therapy that has been around for quite some time, and is generally misunderstood.

While the traditional view of hypnotherapy is of a patient entering a bizarre, altered state, the modern application is rather practical and incorporates elements of behavioral psychology.

The way hypnotherapy works is by getting the patient into a relaxed state whereby suggestion can be exercised upon their subconscious mind. This is difficult to do in a normal state, because the conscious mind tends to dominate, and this is what acts upon those impulses that can cause problems like stuttering.

Even though it seems obvious, the first step you will need to take in hypnotherapy is to acknowledge that you indeed, want to stop stuttering. This needs to be articulated and accepted as the goal. Next, the hypnotherapist will help you enter a relaxed state. You will not be asleep, but you will be comfortable, and able to let you of the thoughts that clutter your mind. Chances are, it's those very same thoughts that make it hard for you to stop stuttering.

Once you have entered this state, the hypnotherapist will take one of two approaches. If you have decided that the cause for your stuttering lies somewhere in your past, you should definitely work on accessing those memories and experiences. If you simply want to replace current negative impulses with positive ones, you can do that instead. You can influence yourself to stop stuttering simply by changing some of the triggers in your mind from negative to positive ones.

Even though it's a bit unconventional, hypnotherapy has many fans, and you may find it's just the thing that will finally help you stop stuttering.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

5 Fast Facts

How to Stop Stammering - 5 Fast Facts

Stammering is a speech disability that usually affects the flow of one's speech. For people who stammer (or stutter - often used interchangeably), their condition may manifest itself in different ways. They may either repeat words, make some words sound longer than they should be, or get noticeably tense when they are trying to speak.

If you have a stammering condition, and want to know how to stop stammering, it's best to consider first a few facts:

1. Stammering can affect almost anyone - In America alone, there are over 3 million people who stutter. But it doesn't matter where in the world you live, how safe your environment is, or what kind of family background you have. Stammering affects a great deal of people from all walks of life. However, it is often common in young children who are still learning to speak. And usually, these children are able to stop stuttering as they grow older. Only a small percentage of adults stutter (around 1%).

2. Stammering affects a larger portion of males than females - approximately three to four times more. The reason for this is uncertain, but research is getting closer to finding out probable causes why this disability often hits men.

3. There is a tremendous progress in preventing stammering in children - this is due to the fact that the fields of genetics, child development, neurophysiology, and even family dynamics have come up with new research on the possible causes of stammering and how to stop it.

4. There is no instant cure for stammering - you're well likely to encounter a number of people who would offer a miracle cure for stammering, but quite frankly, the "cure" there usually consists of methods that require ongoing practice. And by definition, that is not a "cure", but... it definitely helps you manage your stuttering, even to a point where it is hardly noticeable at all.

5. There are many famous people who stammer but have achieved success and significance - Winston Churchill, Bill Walton, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Love, King George VI are just some of the big time persona who had to deal with stammering. You as an individual should not let stammering affect you, or determine the vocation and life that you will live. There are many individuals who have made a difference with their lives and have impacted society in a great way, even though they found it hard to stop their stuttering.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens... My family have been stutterers and even though I did say that there are no miracle cures there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. Here is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Help a Child Stop Stuttering

How to Help a Child Stop Stuttering

While only 1 percent of the adult population suffers from stuttering, up to 20% of children stutter. The good news is that stuttering is a fairly normal part of the development of speech, and most children stop stuttering by the time they have reached age five. Still, it is important for parents to recognize when the problem may be more severe and requires treatment.

While only 1 percent of the adult population suffers from stuttering, up to 20% of children stutter. The good news is that stuttering is a fairly normal part of the development of speech, and most children stop by the time they have reached age five. Still, it is important for parents to recognize when the problem may be more severe and requires treatment.

If a child has reached school age, and cannot stop stuttering, it may be time to seek the help of a speech therapist. This is especially important if the stuttering is getting worse, and is accompanied by face and body movements. Elementary school teachers are usually experienced enough to identify when a stutter seems to be a problem, rather than a passing phase, so be sure to talk to your child's teacher if you're concerned.

Otherwise, there are some things you can do at home to help your child stop stuttering. First of all, try to avoid criticism, however well-intentioned. Even seemingly helpful comments like, "take a deep breath," or "slow down" can add to the anxiety a child is already feeling because of their stutter. By the same token, don't be adamant about having your child speak correctly at all times. Have talking be a fun activity.

Part of what you can do to make talking enjoyable is having the family meal be a time for conversation. Turn off the television or any other distractions and focus on the family. Work on creating calm, relaxing atmosphere at home where your children will be comfortable. You may find that slowing down the pace a bit is good for you, and may have the added benefit of helping your child to stop stuttering.

The key is to be patient and not get too upset if your child doesn't stop stuttering by the time you think he should. Your anxiety will be transmitted to your child, and just might make his problem worse.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Stuttering

Even though there are many types of treatment for stuttering, you may also wish to look into things you can do for yourself. There are a number of techniques you can use at home that may help you stop stuttering. Listed below are a few things you can try.

Even though there are many types of treatment for stuttering, you may also wish to look into things you can do for yourself. There are a number of techniques you can use at home that may help you stop stuttering. Listed below are a few things you can try.

Many times, those who stutter have a tendency to tense up back, shoulder and facial muscles right before they start talking. Become conscious of areas of tension, and work to relax them before you start speaking. These are known as competing behaviors, and are a very effective technique to help you stop stuttering.

Another thing you can do is record your stuttering. By paying attention to times and situations at which stuttering is worse, you may be able to start narrowing down some of the triggers to your stutter. If for instance, you notice that you often stutter on the phone, you can work on developing a competing behavior that will help you nip it in the bud.

Another technique you can try is to practice pausing. Many stutterers are simply trying to talk much too quickly. Work on pausing a second or two before you start speaking. When engaged in conversation, it's not necessary to respond to the other person instantly. Take a breath, count to two, and then reply. Just slowing down a little may be all it takes for you to stop stuttering.

Stutterers have a tendency to take short, rapid breaths. You may be able to stop stuttering by deeply and naturally, through the mouth, filling your lungs, and then letting the air back out slowly. Do this several times daily, and once you're comfortable, start incorporating it into your speech, letting the words come out slowly with each breath.

The above techniques are easy to do at home. It's very possible that diligent practice will eventually help you stop stuttering.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Four Approaches to Stop Stuttering

You May bethinking that there are no stop stuttering treatments that can work for you. Well I was a stutterer and it took me years to find the right tyoe of therapy that worked for me. All stutterers have a trigger, understand what triggers you and your almost there with a stop stuttering solution.

Four Therapeutic Approaches That Can Best Manage and Possibly Stop Your Stuttering

There have been recent therapeutic breakthroughs on how to manage or stop stuttering (or stammering), a disability known to affect many people from all walks of life. Stuttering is technically not just a speech disability, but it is also a communication and behavioral disorder.

People who stutter have to cope up in their ways of socially interacting with others and at the same time, dealing with the various emotions that constantly run through their heads such as guilt, fear, shame, and frustration. Many people allow their stammering condition to indirectly or directly dictate what kind of life they will have, and how they will live it.

Thankfully, there are now effective therapies that can help one from controlling stuttering, and in some cases, completely stopping it.

A list of the four best therapeutic approaches are as follows:

1. Self-Therapy - this does not imply that you will be left alone to do your thing. Rather, these are stuttering self-therapies that consist of programs you can work with on your own. This is the most affordable and one effective way to handle your stuttering disability and is a good place for you to start.

2. Electronic Devices - although it is an effective way to handle stuttering at the start, self-therapy is not advised to be carried out by itself. You can add other therapeutic approaches, and one of that is the use of electronic devices to enhance the fluency of your speech. These methods are usually done with little effort on your part. These kinds of devices are usually based on either "delayed auditory feedback" (DAF) and "frequency shifting auditory feedback" (FAF).

3. Speech Language Pathologists - another therapeutic approach in dealing with your stuttering is through experts known as speech language pathologists or SLPs. However, it is best advised to know all the information possible on stuttering before you set an appointment with these individuals for one simple reason: this approach is very costly in terms of time and money. Remember to ensure that the person who will be dealing with you is well experienced with stuttering and has a holistic approach in treating it.

4. Speech Clinics - these ones are the most widely available and you can inquire in your local community if they have programs that address stuttering, and the various methods that they use. Keep in mind though one important thing - stuttering cannot be instantly cured overnight. This is especially true if you have had it for many years already. It can take up to several weeks or months for it to be either controlled and well-managed, or stopped.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens... My family have been stutterers and there are methods that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you.

Here is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.

What's Been On Your Stuttrting Mind Lately

Thinking about what makes you stutter maybe it's time to stop and try to focus on something you do better than most? Stress is a bit part of the stuttering problem you may not feel stressed at the start of a conversation ... But you sure can feel it at the end!

Stop Stuttering - Have You Considered What's Been on Your Mind Lately?

Stuttering is a condition that manifests itself in various ways. According to those that have it, some of the common ways stuttering shows itself can either be in the form of repeating or adding extra words, making weird noises, breathing heavier and faster, pausing too often when talking, or twitching. It has different ways of affecting different types of people and it's really a challenge to control and if possible, be able to stop one's stuttering altogether.

Alongside the various speech and language therapies available which can be of great help, one can also consider looking at natural alternatives to reduce stuttering. In fact, there are methods that you can apply and help you greatly, and it won't cost you a single cent. It will however, require a change of your mental behavior, particularly your perspective about your condition.

One such method is a self-evaluation on your thought patterns. Tell me, what has been going on in your mind lately? What were your thoughts mostly about in the last 24 hours, few days, or the past week? Were they all positive and involved ideas that would brighten up your day? Or has it been as of late all about how to stop your stuttering and stressfully finding out a cure?

Have you been thinking more about your condition, what to do about it, and pouring in all the negative emotion about yourself?

It's true that stuttering (or stammering) has been increasingly classified by law as a disability. And we can't do anything about that. But know this - there is a very big difference between having a disability (as the law defines it) and being, or feeling disabled by it.

Remember that negative thoughts can produce negative feelings, which creates more tension in your body and in most cases, further aggravates your stuttering condition. The opposite is also true. Positive thoughts will give way to good feelings which can create a calmness with oneself and most often reduce ones stuttering. You might not be able to completely stop it by changing the way you think, and the way you think about yourself, but... there is a significant chance you can lessen your stuttering.

And not only that, but make a difference with your life. Many people who have been through or are going through stuttering have taken up within themselves the challenge to go on living and being a positive influence to others in their own unique way.

But never give up as learning how to stop stuttering is not an impossible task.

My Family are stutterers, when I was a junior I remember 5 out of 6 of my cousins stuttered. I detailed exactly how the eldest managed to stop stuttering in a little hub page.

Hopefully helpful

An Over View

Are You One of the 1%?
There are so many people who have a stuttering problem that It's now not seen as such a stigma.If you are looking for an overview of stuttering you've landed on the right page. Not a stutterer anymore but I do have some facts here. Stop Stuttering the Overview
Although commonly found in children between the age of 2 and 5, the condition can be seen in older children as well and more commonly in boys. Since the actual cause of stuttering is not known, there are treatments to reduce and even stop stuttering completely.

Although commonly found in children between the age of 2 and 5, the condition can be seen in older children as well and more commonly in boys. Since the actual cause of stuttering is not known, there are treatments to reduce and even stop stuttering completely.

The sooner the condition is identified, the better it is in terms of treatment. Early diagnosis can, in most cases, help stop stuttering completely. Therefore, identifying problems in speech, such as repetitions of syllables, words, sounds and also substituting and avoiding words in children can be extremely helpful. Ignoring early symptoms can be bad for the child because when the child grows, the treatment provided may not be as effective as it would have been if treated earlier.

Speech therapy is one of the most common and simple treatments used to stop stuttering. When the condition is identified in the child, parents can enroll their children for speech therapy sessions or can practice simple methods themselves to help improve fluency. One such method is identifying words or syllables that the child finds difficult and making the child repeat it slowly and clearly.

Parents are also generally advised to speak slowly and clearly to the child during conversations. Avoiding negative gestures and reactions when the child stutters puts the child in an uncomfortable situation that may cause the child lose confidence in speaking, which in turn may lead to an enhanced condition of stuttering. These are a few of the best home remedies to help stop stuttering at an early age.

Since home remedies are easily available, parents should consider following these before considering therapies.

I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter...

My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked

Are Your Children Stuttering At School

The sound of stuttering in the household can be a real blinker to what may be happening at school.

Whilst growing up and still developing their speech is when you have to put some serious effort into stop stuttering therapy for your children.

At such a young age the child may not seem to have any real problems at home with a slight stutter, but with questions in the classroom what happens? Help! How Can I Stop My School-Aged Child From Stuttering?

It is usually hard and frustrating for parents to see their child suffering from a stutter problem. The good news is, at their age, there is a greater chance for their condition to be effectively treated. Speech therapy is just one of the many methods used to manage or help stop stuttering.

On your part, as a parent, you can do a number of things that will be for your child's benefit.

If your child has been finding it hard to stop a stutter prior to the start of one's school life, there may be a possibility that he has acquired it through one's genes. Does any of your immediate family have or had a stuttering problem before? If you know of any, did that individual develop it during one's childhood, and if so, was that person able to stop his stuttering eventually? Or does he carry it all throughout his life?

These are things you as a parent should investigate and inform your physician, so they can better understand and know how to best deal with your child's stuttering.

Another thing you would want to do is to determine if your child suffered any recent traumatic events. This is one cause of stammering (another word for stuttering) and if this is the case, talking the problem over with your child may help. If you have any hesitancy to do so, and you think your child has problems opening up sensitive issues with you, it might be best to consider bringing your child for counseling.

At any rate, don't force your child to do either of the two if one does not want to. Things like these take time, but try your best to be always present and available should he be ready to communicate.

If your child on the other hand, develops stammering during his stay at school, you may also want to check the social surroundings, specifically his classmates if they have stammering problems. This is because your child might have copied or imitated his classmate who stutters, not only in one occasion, but many times. This would result in your child acquiring stuttering indirectly. This is one of the easiest to correct, as long as it is detected early on and not neglected.

There are more resources for stop stuttering tips included on this squidoo lens. One of the programs is less than a year old and has some rather interesting methods that shows you how to stop stuttering

working towards stopping Stuttering In Your Kids- Here Are 3 Common Causes

Looking after the little ones, that is my task as a parent is it not... Helping in anyway I can. I often wondered what I would do if my children developed a stutter. I know the signs to look for, having been a stutterer as a child.

If you are looking for an answer to what causes stuttering there is no scientific answer but we do have clues. For one to get a clearer picture, stammering (interchangeably used with "stuttering") is defined as a health condition that is characterized by stoppages and disruptions in fluency which interrupt the smooth flow and timing of speech. People who have it usually have an uncontrollable tendency to repeat either sounds, syllables or words. Knowing how to stop stammering in your child can be best found by first figuring out the most probable causes.

It is important to know that stammering occurs across all cultures and in all social groups. It greatly affects a considerable number of individuals from children to teenagers and adults, and if left un-managed, can greatly reduce one's quality of life. Generally, stuttering in children is said to have 3 common causes:

1. Genetics - it could run in one's family's genes. If a child has someone with stammering in the family or any of their close relatives, there is a chance he or she may develop stammering as well.

2. Traumatic Events - this could happen in many ways, either through the loss of a parent or loved one, a sudden separation from one's family, or any other devastating childhood experience. There are other events that can cause stammering and most often than not they involve heavy negative emotion which has an adverse effect on the recipient.

Children under five years of age and school-age children are often prone to this kind of cause. This should not be neglected if their parents detect this and should take the necessary measures to seek appropriate therapy. This is because research and studies confirm that one can have a higher chance to stop stuttering at a young age.

3. Copying Someone Who Stammers - another common cause of stuttering is when children copy someone who has a stutter, and keep on repeating it until it sticks. This is due to the fact that at a young age, our rote associations and memory capabilities are at its highest level of performance. This is good because a child can copy good habits, but it's also a two-edged sword as that same child can pick up bad ones unintentionally, such as stammering from other children.

There are more resources for stop stuttering tips included on this squidoo lens. One of the programs is less than a year old and has some rather interesting methods that teaches you "greatly improved techniques being used" how to stop stuttering

Putting A Stop To Stammering - Specialist Speech Therapy Courses Do They Work?

I must say that I've been on a few speech therapy sessions myself and they ner reall had lasting solutions. However that was 30 years ago

Speech therapy has been known as one of the common ways to treat stammering (or stuttering). There has been much feedback however, that the traditional methods being taught and implemented here offer individuals little help to stop stuttering, or learn to manage it in a way that they can lead normal lives.This has lead to certain changes in recent years on how to stop stammering through the use of specialist therapy courses, instead of the traditional ones. This is actually becoming a popular trend. But what's the difference?

In most cases, a traditional speech and language therapy is being led by individuals who have no personal experiences with stuttering and find it hard to improve the fluency of their students. The usual classes are held in groups and they find it much difficult to comprehend people with this kind of impediment, simply because they have not gone through it themselves.

The difference with a specialist speech therapy course, is that one-on-one sessions usually take the place of normal classes, which encourages targeted learning. The instructors as well, have been through stuttering before and most often than not, were able to overcome it; hence, they are more skilled, patient and flexible to adjust to the needs of their students who have a stuttering condition.

Further advances of technology have also greatly improved the techniques being used, if one where to compare it with the traditional methods of speech and language therapy in times past. This certainly increases the chances of an individual to stop stuttering, or reduce it significantly.

Take note however, that this is just one of the many new methods that are available for you to try. This is to encourage you that if one does not work or solve the problem, then there's always another option to go by. There's no harm in trying many things, as long as you do your research and make an informed decision

There are more resources for stop stuttering tips included on this squidoo lens. One of the programs is less than a year old and has some rather interesting methods that teaches you "greatly improved techniques being used" how to stop stuttering in 9 minutes.

Making a Significant Difference With Your Life Stop Your Stuttering

Let me start out first by saying that the quality of your life doesn't have to end if you are not able to stop your stuttering. There are now many new improvements in technology, particularly in the area of speech therapy that may cure your stuttering. If not cure, then be able to manage it, in such a way that you are able to live a normal life.

But even then, can you make a significant difference with your life even though you have a stuttering (or stammering) condition?

There's this story of this man I know, who visited our church one time. He was way past 50 years old, and he looked very intelligent and skilled in his field. Rightly said, because this man happened to be a master storyteller.

From my conversations with him, I learned that he has been through many places around the world and invited by a good number of groups and congregations to speak and share the message of hope, in a way that holds the audience's attention and captures their interests - through the simple medium of stories.

We sure learned a lot that day from him, and were entertained as well. He looked very vibrant and sounded so fluent, that it was hard to know the real fact that this man had a stuttering problem! He admitted it before one of his dramatic stories, and mentioned that he too at the start thought that apart from maintaining a normal life, there was nothing great he could do.

It was in the moment when he accepted the fact that he could not stop his stuttering, and just let go of the situation (by learning how to live with it, without stressing himself too much in finding a cure), that he saw a great opportunity to make a difference in the world of storytelling, and create a lasting impact in the lives of others.

And to think that his profession now involves his mouth quite a lot!

I have been under the tutelage of that man for a certain period of time and represent one life he has touched.

Your life matters as well, whether you are trying to how to stop stuttering or not. Just open your eyes and try to look at the world differently, and you will see there's a lot of opportunity for you to bloom where you are planted.

There aren't any real secrets in how to stop stuttering but there are some great stop stuttering techniques that have worked for stutterers available online.