For decades scientists have been searching for a stop stuttering cure, but the facts still remail that everyone responds differently to stuttering treatments. I have detailed some treatments that are available to you, they have all been successful in the past and they help you stop stuttering One possible way in which people can be helped to stop stuttering is through the use of drugs. Although the Food and Drug Administration has not approved any drugs specifically to treat stuttering, there are a few that might be helpful. Drugs used to treat anxiety; depression and epilepsy have been tried on stutterers with mixed results, at best. Bear in mind that all drugs have side effects as well. Research into medical treatments for stuttering is ongoing. Many stutterers choose to undergo therapy. Therapists focus on the regulations of breathing, speaking more slowly, and keeping responses simple, gradually building up to longer and more complex sentences. It is felt that those who wish to stop stuttering need to become less anxious about the problem before they can solve it. Stutterers might also consider joining a self-help group. They may find it useful to interact with others who have the same problem, as well as get tips from them on things they have tried in order to stop stuttering. Electronic devices are another possible way to deal with stuttering. One type fits in the ear like a hearing aid and plays back the speaker's voice, so it sounds like he is speaking in unison with someone else. This seems to help some stop stuttering, although more research needs to be done to determine widespread effectiveness. As you can see, there are a variety of treatments available for stutterers. You may wish to try more than one, but you will find something that works for you eventually. I have put more information on how to stop stuttering on a hub lens, It tells of how my cousin and brother have dealt with stopping a stutter... My family have been stutterers and there are cures that do help to control and in many cases teach you stop stuttering methods that you may find will work for you. There is a squidoo lens about the famous who have used stop stuttering methods that have worked.
Some Treatments For Stuttering
At this point, there is no known cure for stuttering, but there are a variety of treatments available. The type of treatment you choose will depend partly on what sorts of things you are comfortable with. Fortunately, there are a number of options, so if you are serious about wanting to stop stuttering, you should be able to find a method that works for you.
Stop Stuttering Treatments
Posted by Jasmin Mayfair
Stutter support,
Stuttering treatments
on Sunday, 26 July 2009
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