Alongside the various speech and language therapies available which can be of great help, one can also consider looking at natural alternatives to reduce stuttering. In fact, there are methods that you can apply and help you greatly, and it won't cost you a single cent. It will however, require a change of your mental behavior, particularly your perspective about your condition. One such method is a self-evaluation on your thought patterns. Tell me, what has been going on in your mind lately? What were your thoughts mostly about in the last 24 hours, few days, or the past week? Were they all positive and involved ideas that would brighten up your day? Or has it been as of late all about how to stop your stuttering and stressfully finding out a cure? Have you been thinking more about your condition, what to do about it, and pouring in all the negative emotion about yourself? It's true that stuttering (or stammering) has been increasingly classified by law as a disability. And we can't do anything about that. But know this - there is a very big difference between having a disability (as the law defines it) and being, or feeling disabled by it. Remember that negative thoughts can produce negative feelings, which creates more tension in your body and in most cases, further aggravates your stuttering condition. The opposite is also true. Positive thoughts will give way to good feelings which can create a calmness with oneself and most often reduce ones stuttering. You might not be able to completely stop it by changing the way you think, and the way you think about yourself, but... there is a significant chance you can lessen your stuttering. And not only that, but make a difference with your life. Many people who have been through or are going through stuttering have taken up within themselves the challenge to go on living and being a positive influence to others in their own unique way. But never give up as learning how to stop stuttering is not an impossible task. My Family are stutterers, when I was a junior I remember 5 out of 6 of my cousins stuttered. I detailed exactly how the eldest managed to stop stuttering in a little hub page. Hopefully helpfulThinking about what makes you stutter maybe it's time to stop and try to focus on something you do better than most? Stress is a bit part of the stuttering problem you may not feel stressed at the start of a conversation ... But you sure can feel it at the end!
Stop Stuttering - Have You Considered What's Been on Your Mind Lately?
Stuttering is a condition that manifests itself in various ways. According to those that have it, some of the common ways stuttering shows itself can either be in the form of repeating or adding extra words, making weird noises, breathing heavier and faster, pausing too often when talking, or twitching. It has different ways of affecting different types of people and it's really a challenge to control and if possible, be able to stop one's stuttering altogether.
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